The view from our house, looking out to the ocean. Over the paddocks and banksias. Far South Coast, NSW.

The house under construction, 2018.

Our house was designed to look like a series of rural sheds.

It was built with many recycled materials. At this stage we are using recycled tin to cover the walls. The walls were then rendered with adobe, using clay from our property.

It was a fantastic couple of years for me, working each day on the build, with Pete (Natural House Builders), Conner the apprentice, and Kieran the carpenter…..and a host of other wonderful people. A privileged experience.

Looking back at the house.

A collection of sheds. Clay render, recycled timber windows and doors.

The studio sits on the other side of the driveway, built in the same way as the house.

The house is built at the base of a large Yellow Box, which has survived the years of clearing while the property was used for cattle grazing. Since arriving at the property we have planted, and continue to plant, hundreds of trees. It will be a very different property in the future.

Creating a beautiful garden is part of everyday life and is a direct extension of my studio work.

Dog walking, every day, a great joy which keeps me connected to the landscape in which I live. The ever-changing ocean and beach, gravel tracks through the bush with glimpses out to the inlets always gives me something new for the studio.